OERR 이란?

Oracle 설치 하게 되면 사용할 있는 기능으로 $ORACLE_HOME/bin/ 아래 있습니다.


Oerr 이용하여 아래와 같이 해당 Error 무엇 인지와 Error 대한 솔루션을 확인 하실 있습니다.

ORA-XXXXX 메시지 말고도 TNS-XXXXX 메시 확인이 가능합니다.


[oracle@orcl ~]$ oerr ora 12514

12514, 00000, “TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor”

// *Cause:  The listener received a request to establish a connection to a

// database or other service. The connect descriptor received by the listener

// specified a service name for a service (usually a database service)

// that either has not yet dynamically registered with the listener or has

// not been statically configured for the listener.  This may be a temporary

// condition such as after the listener has started, but before the database

// instance has registered with the listener.

// *Action:

//  – Wait a moment and try to connect a second time.

//  – Check which services are currently known by the listener by executing:

//    lsnrctl services <listener name>

//  – Check that the SERVICE_NAME parameter in the connect descriptor of the

//    net service name used specifies a service known by the listener.

//  – If an easy connect naming connect identifier was used, check that

//    the service name specified is a service known by the listener.

//  – Check for an event in the listener.log file.

[oracle@orcl ~]$


By haisins

오라클 DBA 박용석 입니다. haisins@gmail.com 으로 문의 주세요.

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